Jackson Wang
Magical portal for Jackson Wang

Volvox Labs partnered with 88Rising and Microsoft to create the Magic Man Experience inspired by the visual worlds of Jackson Wang’s Magic Man album. This unique immersive take on thematics from Magic Man album allows participants to embark on a journey within the Jackson Wang music videos.

Magic Man

Step into Jackson’s universe and encounter the different dimensions of the Magic Magic album where the lines between physical and virtual realms become blurred. Using chatGPT we allow participants to choose their magic spell and embark on a unique experience.

World Building

Our team utilized source material used in Magic Man xR music video production. From there we picked unique moments and added interactive flare for the participants of the installation to explore. Each world represented a theme and feeling corresponding to the chatGPT magic input sentiment. Each participant was greeted with a different ‘magic spell’ taking them into a specific world of Magic Man.

The Magic Elevator

The structure we designed closely represented the visual language from within the Magic Man world with a twist allowing it to stand out as a sleek monolith but also host all the embedded technology and participation area for multiple people.

Ai Takeaway

Our cameras embedded within the Magic Man elevator tracked participant movements using real-time TouchDesigner FX as well as Microsoft’s Cognitive Services. Depending on the magic spell chosen the real-time fx would change and create a unique atmosphere and visual output unique to each participant.

Artist: Jackson Wang
Label: 88 Rising
Client: Microsoft
Creative Direction Label: Brandon Mai
Creative Direction: Pasakorn Nontananadh
Motion Design: Siriphong Tipayakesorn
Technical Direction: Ben ForestCreative
Technologist: Matt Ross
Sound Composition: Javier Cruz
Production: Gilad Dor
Visual FX: Chatrin, Sophia Holland
BTS Direction: Rodrigo Olivar

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Oct 16/2024