Content, Event, Live Performance

BT: ELECTRONIC OPUS/ Immersive symphonic concert

VVOX was the digital artist and creative technologist for the unique symphonic/electronic concert performance by award-winning, multiple-platinum artist, film composer and technologist Brian Transeau (also known by his performance name, BT). The world wide touring show featured re-imagined versions of the most Transeau most famous work. The show was entitled, Electronic Opus.


Volvox Labs developed exclusive synchronized video material, real-time effects and music arrangements, hyper-synchronized lighting, as well as unique interactive segments using Kinect sensors. A massive 50’ cnc-milled wall was built and fabricated especially for this spectacle! All together it created explosive one-of-a-kind entertainment.

Because of the technological rigor needed for this multimedia show, VVOX developed an integrated system to coordinate the visual components seamlessly with the orchestra, Brian Transeau and the conductor. The show premiered on March 29, 2015 at the Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami during the annual Winter Music Conference



Agency: Meta Client: BTKamil Nawratil; Creative Direction / Houdini AnimationJavier Cruz: TouchDesigner DevelopmentAlicia Martin: Concept DevelopmentTom Bourguet: After Effects/C4D effectsMaxime Causeret: Houdini EffectsVincent Houze: TouchDesigner effectsMiron Nawratil/ Zyia Zhang: Stage Design and FabricationPa Her, Kamil Nawratil: Narrative DevelopmentIsaac Mead Long: Cinematographer/DP